Greetings Gravity MTB Race Fans!
It’s less than a month away until the highly anticipated start of the PRO GRAVITY TOUR (Pro GRT), in the picturesque town of Port Angeles, Washington (April 30 – May 1, 2009)! This event is also home to the renowned Fluidride Cup race series. After the overwhelming turnout of racers at their first event, we’re anticipating a huge turnout for the Pro GRT! In order to make this a fun & successful series for us all, we’re working around the clock (literally) to bring you the best our nation has to offer!
PINNEDmtb.com is now the official e-zine for the PRO GRT! So if you have any questions regarding schedule/dates, race info, lodging, travel & more… check out PINNEDmtb.com ! It’s your ultimate guide for Pro GRT action! We’re also receiving a ton of support from media, industry & racers alike! Top pro riders who will be in attendance, at the Port Angeles stop, include Bryn Atkinson, Steve Smith, Kieran Bennett, Ryan Condrashoff, Chris Boice, Joey Schusler, Curtis Keene, JD Swanguen & many more! We’ll also see the event featured on web & print in publications such as Decline Magazine. A number of teams & support vehicles have expressed interest in attending the event as well. If you plan to bring a truck, trailer or ez-up, contact us immediately – space is limited!
If you haven’t seen it yet, Bike Magazine did a interview with me regarding the Pro GRT. You’ll find a rundown of how this endeavor came about, who’s involved & what we’re looking to accomplish! Check it out here!
The Pro GRT is now on FACEBOOK! Stop by & become a fan! We need your support! Remember, we want you involved in order to make this the series successful!
Here’s a quick rundown on news & notes for anyone interested in attending the Pro GRT – Port Angeles. For additional information, here’s a direct link to the Port Angeles stop of the Pro GRT!
This is a downhill only event. Sorry gated riders, as of this time, there won’t be any dual slalom racing at this stop.
YES, there is amateur racing at the Pro GRT! We are working together with the Fluidride Cup to put on a stellar event from everyone from beginner (Cat 3) to Pro! However, due to the anticipated high numbers of racers for this event, organizers will be capping off the entry to 350 amateur racers. So sign up early!
(The Pro entry is unlimited)
The Hood Canal Bridge (which is the only access to the Olympic Peninsula from anywhere north of Olympia, Wa.) will be closing at midnight the evening of Thurs the 30th. If you are coming from the north and will be taking the Port Townsend/Keystone ferry this does not affect your route. If you are planning to take the Seattle to Kingston, Bainbridge, Bremerton, or Southworth ferries this will affect your driving plans!
The only way we’re going to get this series rockin is with everyone’s support! I’ve made the work easy for ya. On the widget below, click “SHARE” and you’re on your way!
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As always, feel free to hit me up anytime should you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the Pro GRT. I will be in attendance at the Dean Optics / NEMA booth (#300) at the Sea Otter Classic. If you would like to discuss any details further, feel free to drop by! Thanks for your support & I hope to see you in Port Angeles!
J Dylan Dean
Skype/IM: JDylanDean
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