Hello everyone!
First, I want to send out a huge thank you to all the people flowing the positive healing vibes in my direction. They are working. It is hard to believe it has been a week already since the accident, but the difference is incredible. Docs said that the surgery went much smoother than expected, they only used three incisions instead of the five that they had originally planned on using. The big bonus was that they didn't need to use the ear to ear coronal cut to peel my face off, which was a very real possibility... so that was good. The swelling has gone way down, and I'm almost back to my previous GQ facial characteristics. My vision is getting a little better everyday and will soon be back to normal. I have a gnarly red eyeball, but compared to not having an eyeball, I'll take it. Still get dizzy from movement or standing up for more than a few minutes, but that is supposed to pass before too long. Unfortunately, I have not regained any feeling in the right side of my face, I'm not sure if I ever will, but again, compared to what could have happened I'll take it. Again, thanks so much for all the support, it has really helped me keep a positive focus through all of this.
Flow on...
Nick Van Dine
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